Getting Started

Before learning about how to write a general purpose client, let’s start by running the existing one.

The live demo:

api in a browser

Run demo server and client

Install dependencies

All dependencies are documented in this Readme and include:

Start applications

  1. Start the database.

You can view this in a browser on http://localhost:8000

  1. Build and run the project with the following environment variables.
    ASPNETCORE_URLS: http://localhost:5000
  1. Build and run the client commandline with yarn (or through the IDE, eg WebStorm).

It will open a browser in http://localhost:8080

  1. Browse the API

At some stage, you will need to authenticate. The credentials are at the top of the page.

Next Chapter

HTML representation

Learn what and why to build HTML representation of data with code on demand

Go to next chapter